2018-07-31 - Complaining For The 300th Time

Complaining For The 300th Time

July 31, 2018 - News Post

Dog + Skunk = Stinky Dog.

I was all set. I was going to share some YouTube links with you, get a nice, adequate 300th comic up, and go to sleep.

I had a comic idea I wanted to spend some time on, but did I get to make it? Nooooooooo.

I'm a little flustered at the moment.

The last thing I had to do before this comic was let a dog out. It should've taken five minutes. Instead, that dog ran into the yard, up the driveway, and straight into an adorable little black and white fuzzball.

It was a skunk.

The dog barked twice, I realized what it saw, and before I could open my mouth, the dog was rubbing on the ground, trying to remove a burnt rubber and rotten cabbage spray. A skunk hit his right side with a glancing blow.

The dog stinks.


Prior to this week, I've seen two skunks in the wild in all my life. Since Saturday, I've seen at least four: Crossing the road, standing by mailboxes, hiding in the grass, and shopping at popular tourist attractions.

Most of these sightings were from the safety of my car. Not tonight.

Once the skunk ran away, I went to reassure the confused dog. If you've never dealt with a situation like this, here's a bit of advice: Do not touch the dog.

I did not follow this advice. The smell is NOT coming off my hands.

Did I mention this is a dog I'm watching? It's not even at my house. Someone trusted me with their dog, with their home, and this is how I cared for them. In less than 5 minutes under my watch, the dog has had a traumatic experience that will haunt us both for a lifetime.


I should go, it's now bath time. For him and for me. Unless you think I should save that for tomorrow. He should be fine sleeping on the furniture, right?

Happy 300th comic. It's quite the celebration.
