2019-10-11 - Obscure Holidays

Obscure Holidays

October 11, 2019 - News Post

Hey there!

Things are going well. I have a tremendous amount of chores to do this weekend, but I'm looking forward to getting them done. The 2009 Ghostbusters game has a remastered release, and I promised to reward myself after I knock out an incredibly long, aggravating to-do list. It turns out, I do have self control after all.

It may be a while before I can play, though. I have a few comic chores to take care of as well. With each new year, I like to clean up my files and organize any new art. I got a little sidetracked with the comic I did for the start of year four, so I need to get back on track.

As always, my ambition exceeds my free time. After I play that game, I have a few comic plans and possible side projects that may or may not come to fruition. I don't want to say much yet, but you will be the first to know if it doesn't pan out.

In the meantime, it's linktime! I thought I'd link to a few comics I haven't mentioned in a while. It's important to me that you remain entertained.

First, Rich Owens is back from a long hiatus and is posting new comics on Ow! My Knees! Rich is a "friend" and co-"worker". Despite that, I highly recommend you check his stuff out. As a former NFL player, Rich has a unique take on aging and the daily grind of life. You might even find a hidden Jeff or two in there. That's obviously the most important takeaway from his comic. Go read it!

Second, King of Slackers is a bizarre comic from the mind of Tobey Svalås. After over a decade of making comics, he's covered pop culture, family life, work, politics, and ancient deities. Most importantly, he frequently hides Don't Hit Save cameos in his comics, and I shamefully don't link to him enough. My last appearance was... um... interesting.

And Third, RGBros.

It's my favorite time of year for comics. Why? Because Josh Davenport does an entire month of Halloween comics. A freaking month. Unlike the other comics on this list, RGBros has rudely not included me in a single comic (not that I ever do that for anyone), but his is one of my favorite comics on the web. His incredible talent for art has a long way to go to catch up with my copy/paste masterpieces, but you might like it anyway.

That's it for now. For those of you who get a 3-day weekend, I hate you.
