2020-10-31 - Why Comics Fall Behind (Again)

Why Comics Fall Behind (Again)

October 31, 2020 - News Post

I have good news and bad news.

The good news is today's comic is absolutely true:

My site got more hits than yours.

I know I know. You're jealous. While your site stayed up and running, my visitors were clamoring for so much content, the server shut down.

I guess some of are simply more popular than others.

The bad news? It was a bot attack. Around 4am on the 7th, my site started receiving thousands of contact form posts every second. This lasted about eight minutes before my host noticed the spike in CPU use, and froze my account.

It was a big morning for me. Every one of my websites went down. Email, everything. Personal projects, client projects, and project management projects. I wound up being in blackout mode for about a week.

It wasn’t the worst thing that could happen, but the timing was not ideal. This knocked me out of commission at a time that I truly needed to be up and running. I’m still migrating to other hosts and working to deal with the ramifications. I expect that to last some time.

While I am glad to have my sites back up and running, I was already finding myself short on time. Something has to give. I’ve never missed a Don’t Hit Save comic before, but since I have contract work with immovable deadlines, I need to prioritize that... even over this comic.

I will post when I can in the coming weeks. There may continue to be a few missed comics here and there.

I know I know... you won’t miss them. I’m trying to say that I will.

I’ll see everyone soon. Well, soon-ish.
