2021-02-13 - Vaccine


February 13, 2021 - News Post

Happy Valentimes day

Yes, I know I spelled that wrong. No, I’m not going to correct that.

Back when I was a small child, I pronounced “Valentine’s” as “Valen-tiMes”. It made perfect sense in my little brain. It was the well celebrated time of Valen (pronounced "Vallun"). Happy Valen Times. Makes sense, right?

To this day, it still seems less complicated than imagining whatever a valentine was supposed to be.

I’ve since learned to say Valentine's the “correct” way. Probably when I was in my 20s. It hurt, but I went along with it. As punishment to the world for doing that to me, I refuse to pronounce “grandma” as anything other than “gramma” until the day I die.

Why should I change when it’s the world that’s wrong?
