2021-04-17 - Interview Prep

Interview Prep

April 17, 2021 - News Post

Yeah yeah. It's a predictable ending.

The thing is, this happened almost word for word. I was talking to my action figure on a perfectly clear day, and the power just up and went out. Five freaking minutes before my interview!!!

The outage lasted a half an hour and was followed by another hour of Tsunami sirens echoing throughout the hills. Nothing creepy about that. Everyone loves unexpected power outages and air raid sirens.

I'm in a bit of a hurry. I have an action-packed morning going on today. I may post an expanded version of events here early in the week. I'd also like to pull up the phone footage I have of the sirens. Look for amendments to this news.

In the meantime, I'm nearly ready to launch my twitch stream. I mean, not READY, but it's coming soon anyway. Go over there and follow me or something.
