2022-07-16 - Opportunities


July 16, 2022 - News Post

Oh sure, NOW my site is back up.

I diligently made my comic on Saturday, went to post, and.... No site. I checked my email, and... No email.

It seems my host was having issues all weekend. For once, the problem wasn't me.

It's now 1am local time on Monday morning, which means the east coast of the US is getting up and starting their day (8am). This is typically a good time for comic viewing. And with a working website, it could be. All I need to do is post.

I have the comic done. I'm currently writing rambling, exhausted thoughts into my phone. But I'm not getting out of bed to upload anything at this time.

The world will have to wait for...


Greetings, internet of people!

I hope you're enjoying the James Webb Space Telescope images as much as I am. As we sprint our way into the dark ages culturally, it's nice to know that it's still possible to make some major achievements for science and humanity.

I've been waiting for this for years, and I am happy it did not disappoint. The images certainly are pretty, and I know that's only a small part of the data collected. I can't wait to see what new discoveries are made.

I love space. I no astronomer, I'm barely an artist, yet I can get lost in these images for days. I know I'm not alone in that.

I'm sure everyone has the same thoughts:

With so many galaxies, so many worlds, the MUST be life out there. And if there is intelligent life, it might be like us. And if it's like us, I sure hope they too enjoy webcomics. Just not Don't Hit Save. That's Jeff's thing.

Thank you for those thoughts.
