2018-03-16 - Game Controller

Game Controller

March 16, 2018 - News Post

Hey there, Don’t Hit Save reader, looking for other coding-themed comics?

No? Well, that’s normally okay with me... BUT NOT TODAY!!!

Today, I make a guest appearance in the comic Agile Drill Sergeant. Sure, a few of my comic peers are in there as well, but I won’t bother to discuss that. They’re not important.

What is important, is that you rush over to Agile Drill Sergeant and soak up its scrummy goodness. Anyone who is in the world of Agile Software Development will find a tremendous amount of motivation, tips, and directives throughout the comic archives.

Go now. I’ll wait.

Still waiting.

Just click the freakin' link.

That Jeff guy looks pretty nice, eh? Yeah. He sure does. I could stare at him for hours. In fact, I think I will.

Thanks, Agile Drill Sergeant!
