2020-07-18 - MouthsMouthsMouths


July 18, 2020 - News Post

And THAT is why batman will be the most popular superhero for many years to come.

Yeah. Think about it.

Hello! I hope everyone is doing as well as you can. There are still a few days to see comet NEOWISE. My wife and I checked it out earlier tonight.

We drove an hour west to get the best beach view. The sky was incredibly cloudy when we left home, but as sunset approached, the clouds courteously parted. We found a deserted spot and sat down for the show.

After an hour of the mind-numbingly beautiful sunset (ugh), I was finally able to snap this photo.

It's not bad for a nighttime phone photo. The tiny blurry streak you see just left and below the center is what we saw. It's fuzzy as hell in the photo and was baaaarely visible to our eyes as well. We stuck around for an hour, stared at the sky, and finally made our way home.

I would've stayed longer, but my readers demanded a comic. I wouldn't want to miss that. The comet won't be back for 6,800 years. But whatever, I had to drop everything and come write this.

I hate it when you make me do that.

This is why you have no friends.
