2022-04-09 - Taxing


April 9, 2022 - News Post

This isn't quite the comic I intended to post.

In a sleepy stupor in the middle of last week, I awoke and wrote a quick few notes for the comic above. Since it's unwise to trust a sleepy brain, I opted to refine this comic until it was ready.

As is often he case, I used my rough idea as a jumping off point. I spent days playing with the concept, hammering and crafting the dialogue to make the perfect joke (a solid 6 out of 10). I wrote paragraphs and paragraphs of text, only to narrow it down to a few short lines. When Saturday evening came along, I still didn't have the art done, but I had the words I wanted to say.

After a late dinner, I walked the dogs and sat down to make a comic. I took my time, pieced together the comic, and finally uploaded the finished product to the server. In the moments before making it live, however, I did a little googling.

Turns out, my topical and HILARIOUS joke on taxes was slightly inaccurate and out of date.


I considered scrapping it completely, posting it anyway, or fixing the dialog and posting a little late.

In the end, I officially have a deadline of 11:59pm on Saturday, and I wanted to keep said deadline. Having the arbitrary deadline has kept me in line for four comics in a row, I'd hate to break that trend now.

So, here we are at 11:37pm. The perfect amount of time to GO BACK TO THE EXACT WORDS I ORIGINALLY WROTE in a sleepy stupor, slap a comic together, and post some news about slapping it all together.

If you're reading this, it means the slapping worked. I got it up before midnight.

And in the interest of time, I will never doubt my sleepy stupor brain again.

Posted at 11:54pm. For realz.
