2022-06-04 - Playtime


June 4, 2022 - News Post

A quick note on this site: My RSS feed has been broken off and on in recent months. I think I’ve fixed it. Thank you to Scott and Michael for pointing that out. If you’re an RSS addict, please check my feed. If you have no idea what RSS is, simply assume that what I said is a really stupid secret joke and that my site has been functioning perfectly since day one.


Today's comic isn’t exactly how I was laid off.

This week, Tesla gave remote workers an ultimatum to work from an office or resign… then mysteriously announced sweeping layoffs 3 days later. I’m certain that, much like IBM and Yahoo, the timing was pure coincidence. In any case, this seemed appropriate to work into the comic. I sure hope whoever runs Tesla will be okay.

Speaking of the comic, I’ve been meaning to catch the comic version of me up with real life. Today brings us much closer. Yes, I was very much laid off.

Thankfully, My mostly useless skills were and are in bafflingly high demand lately. And remote work is plentiful. I honestly don't know how many people are making ends meet these days, but my bad situation for once had good timing.

For the record, my department’s layoff went closer to panels 3 and 4, but with plenty of warning.

It probably wasn’t something I said. Probably.
