2019-11-22 - Making Dreams Come True

Making Dreams Come True

November 22, 2019 - News Post

I know I’m not supposed to take it personally when it rains.

When I step outside... on a dry sidewalk... on a sunny day... only to get rained on 40 seconds later... I take it in stride.

When it happens a second time, I’m still cool with it.

When it happens FOUR TIMES IN ONE FREAKING DAY, it’s time to retaliate.

I see windows from my desk. I can tell when it’s supposedly safe to step outside. The sky is messing with me. It’s waiting to get me on purpose.

I haven’t figured out my next course of action yet. I can only assume it involves ladders, hairdryers, and extension cords. Maybe a shop vac? Lawn darts?

Attacking the sky is new to me.

In any case, I should probably go indoors first. That’s where I keep my towels.

I doubt I’ll go out for the rest of the week.

Stupid sky.
