2019-12-13 - Sparky


December 13, 2019 - News Post

You want two late comics in a row? Okay, if you insist. Nothing but the finest for my readers.

I’m glad you requested a late comic. I had a few technical difficulties this week. While the delays were significantly less serious than last week, I learned a valuable lesson: humidity and electronics do not mix.

After powering up the computer on Wednesday, I was treated to a display of sparks and flames shooting out of my motherboard. I think condensation caused electricity to flow in unexpected places. Although I don’t recommend this for the average computer user, I was glad I had a clear plastic window to watch the show unfold.

I don't know how many hardware components have been completely taken out of commission. I do know it's going to be cost a pretty penny and a lot of time before I can replace them. Thankfully, I'm pretty diligent about backups. Every last bit of data is safe and sound.

So hello from my laptop!

There weren’t too many other updates this week. It’s going to be a few days before I’m set up to work on my other project again, but it’s getting there. And as you’ve heard before, I’m revamping this website, and still seeking feedback for improvements to navigation, sidebar content, layout, and anything else you think I should improve. Let me know in the comments or via the contact form if you have any suggestions.

Thank you to everyone who has written so far. And triple thank you to those who wrote such nice comments and messaged me about last week’s newspost. They were extremely appreciated.

That’s it for now. See you Friday!
