2020-04-03 - Catching Up To Do

Catching Up To Do

April 3, 2020 - News Post

I brushed my teeth today.

I used more toothpaste than usual. When I went to stick the brush in my mouth, I missed. This splattered paste all over my beard and onto the floor.

I had to clean it off with a rag.

The End.

Great real-life story, right? It's tricky to report personal news. The days blend together and everyone's going through the same thing. With that being said, I've been making the absolute most of my time (see above).

Food supplies here remain an issue. Boats coming to Hawaii can’t exactly move any faster. I had a little more luck with produce on the most recent trip, but the broken fridge I mentioned in the last news did not help things.

Trips to the supermarket are still shockingly empty. I was pleasantly surprised to see the local store taping dividers onto the ground, and making announcements to keep social distances. They even wiped everything down between customers. Nearly everyone, including me, was wearing masks. I was quite comforted by this, I just didn’t find that much to buy.

So that’s where we are. Life has been oddly quiet. A calm before a storm. Despite today’s comic, I’m actually restarting projects that have been idle for years. I’m not happy with this situation, but I am definitely taking advantage of the time. And hey, aside from the food shortage, politics, and a global pandemic, I’m doing pretty okay. I hope you are too.

I know this is not an easy time for anyone. Stay safe and sound.
