2022-08-13 - Invite


August 13, 2022 - News Post

This week’s comic is dedicated to my friends Starr, Peggy, and Red. One chicken and two humans who passed away this week, suddenly and unexpectedly. To be honest, the humans are weighing on me a great deal more (sorry, Starr).

It’s cool to have friends that invite you to push the limits of your comfort zone. To get you to have fun in ways you didn’t expect. People slightly older than you that somehow act way younger. I will miss them dearly.

For some strange reason, I’ve been working on relaxing around town this week.

I hit the beach, picked up a Lego set, tried new foods, and read a book. I decided that my neighbor’s thumping base might not be the worst thing that anyone has ever experienced in the history of everything. I attempted to eat wasabi for the first time in a long time (it’s still disgusting).

Overall, I’m experiencing more than screens in my down time this week.

I’m not always lazy, but I’m quite forgiving of myself when I am. I often work long hours, so it’s nice to have days where I vegetate. Not because I want to, but because I can. Every once in a while, though, it’s good to face the world outside.

I go through phases where this happens—sudden bouts of motivation to go out and do things. Sometimes I do this for the joy of it, sometimes I do this to cope (see above).

I hate it when this happens. It really eats into my computer time.

I’m not even sure I enjoy fun when it happens. I often forget how to relax. But the MEMORIES of doing “something instead of nothing” are top notch. When it comes to recollection, I’m quite good at fooling myself into thinking I had a great time.

Brains are funny that way.

I doubt I’ll think I had a great time this week. But if I try hard enough, I can trick myself into thinking I made the most out of my time.

I think that's the goal of life.
